Silver Wave Wild Alaskan Salmon.
There’s no going back.
Order above to reserve your wild caught Coho and Sockeye salmon. Each order will be half Alaskan Sockeye and half Alaskan Coho to offer you the best that SE Alaska has to offer.
We will take orders through August 20th, or until we have reached capacity, whichever comes first. We always sell out so place your orders early!
We offer several sizes ….10 lb., 20 lb., 40 lb. and 60 lbs. Order the right amount for you or your family and keep in mind that wild caught salmon makes the perfect gift. Imagine finishing your Christmas shopping right now!
After all orders are processed and our season is done, we will begin the transportation process from Southeast AK to your table by barge then truck.
We will notify you when your order is ready for pick-up and will announce a central location for pickup in your area. Our fish is not transported by air, reducing the carbon footprint and price. Drop off locations in Durango, Cortez, Pagosa Springs, Telluride, Aspen, and Carbondale.
Keep product frozen until you are ready to thaw, cook and enjoy